Hexadecimal (“hex”) is a base-16, rather than
the standard base-10, number system, usually mapping the characters
“0”–“9” and “a”–“f” to the numerical values 0–15.
Hexadecimal triplets
are six-digit hex codes used to denote colors in many computing
applications. For example, #000000
represents black,
represents white, and
represents a blue violet. You can see examples of
hex triplets and their colors using the color picker below. (JavaScript color picker
Taufik Nurrohman
is released under the MIT License.)
This means that six-letter words composed of only the letters a through f represent colors in hex. Here are all 27 English words I could find that meet these criteria, along with definitions and the colors they represent in hex, all arranged into paint chips.
(Hex triplets aren’t always six digits—they can be shorthand and/or encode transparency—but that’s how I chose to limit my search. Definitions have been abbreivated from linked Wiktionary entries, which are released under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license. Retrieved 21 March 2021.)
Finally, I summarized all the above paint chips in the form of pixel art: